The product PEDeDose is intended to support healthcare professionals in prescribing pediatric medication by providing patient-specific dosage information based on children’s body weight, age, and on body size, if relevant. Individual dosage recommendations can be calculated by using the integrated calculator. Dosage information is maintained in a data base which is part of the product.
The product is not intended to replace the healthcare professional’s decision on the choice and the dosage of the medication, but rather to support the healthcare professional in his or her decision by providing patient-specific data.
Users of PEDeDose undertake to use PEDeDose in strict compliance with the instructions for use. In addition to the instructions for use, a tutorial on PEDeDose is available. Archived instructions for use are available via this link.
PEDeDose is a medical device provided by PEDeus (Technoparkstrasse 1, 8005 Zurich, Switzerland).
For feedback on the PEDeDose application please contact the PEDeus team via email or telephone (+41 44 521 73 80).
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